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Goodbye Xfinity. Your Downfall Has Been Impressive.

Writer's picture: Nizel AdamsNizel Adams

Xfinity has gone downhill
Xfinity has gone downhill

Today marks the last day I'll be a Comcast/Xfinity customer after 16 years. Unfortunately, the service, especially customer service is abysmal, and they seem to engage in fraud. On November 26th, 2024 I contacted them in regard to seeing if any discounts could be applied to my account. They said I had max discounts, but I could get an additional discount if I purchased an additional service (converting it into a bundle.) Until then I only had residential internet (1GB.) The rep told me if I purchased a mobile line then it would automatically convert into a bundle that would be $60/month total. My internet alone is $133/month so of course I jumped at the deal even though the line would not be used at all since I have no need for it (which I told them multiple times.) I confirmed things several times including if these changes would affect the unlimited data for my residential internet (the Xfinity rep said no.)

After the order details came through, I became suspicious since it didn't include the discount and showed my new mobile bill as entirely separate and way higher than I was told. Less than a week later I started receiving emails stating that "I had used 50% of my data allowance for month" which I hadn't seen in the years since I purchased the unlimited data add-on for $30/month. About two more weeks pass by...and I was over 90%. I immediately called Xfinity and their foreign support (Indian) answered once again. I tried explaining to them the situation and they were too incompetent to understand. We went through several conversation loops, pauses while they "looked into things" before they said they escalated it and to "give them 30 days to get back to me." Keep in mind I was on the phone for almost an hour. I soon racked up almost $100 in overage charges for the month.

Xfinity's data metering has been sketchy for as long as I can remember. At initial glance it seems to scale at atleast 4x the rate of whatever data you're actually using which is why I was forced onto the unlimited data plan in the first place. I remember sometime in 2016 going to Arizona for a week and even though I lived by myself and had no devices using data other than a PC that sat idle for me to remote into and work if needed...Xfinity was clocking my household as using 50GB of data PER DAY while nobody was even there! I monitored my network like a hawk. No rogue devices and definitely no devices pulling that amount of data. To this day Xfinity has failed to give a proper explanation as to how they calculate data usage and how is my network using 50GB of data a day when no device is active on the network. Whenever I dared to try to remote into my machine, the data usage crept up to 100GB within two hours of usage so I stopped remoting in whatsoever.

30 days passed and I received nothing from Xfinity. Not a single phone call, email or text while the fraudulent bills stacked up. The deal was never applied to my account. I initially called again today, February 3rd 2025, because I had actually insured my phone and filed a claim of which Assurance sent me a completely different phone that is unusable for my needs. I don't even know why they sent a replacement because I always got phones repaired in the past with AT&T (if I didn't have the time to repair them myself.) They told me my phone was out of stock and that I would have to settle for a replacement. I told them no and to cancel the claim. This means I've been paying for insurance I can't even use.

I then proceeded to call Xfinity to once again try to resolve the billing situation. Xfinity's incompetent foreign support once again started the whole dialogue that took an hour to get through last time. After 30 minutes on the phone and getting nowhere I decided to just cancel freaking everything and demand my money back. Apparently, Xfinity mobile is completely separate from Xfinity internet so they can't even see into each other's systems. This brings into question how they would offer these deals in the first place? They terminated my mobile service, but didn't offer me any refunds before sending me over to Xfinity internet. There I once again had to explain the entire situation at least FOUR times to several agents before getting to the person that handles terminations.

They tried to get me to stay by just offering to add back on the unlimited data and credit any overage charges. I then brought up them completely refunding the last two months of service entirely of which they brushed off and stated "these calls are being recorded. I'm sure someone is listening and will add a note to the account about the request." This is of course another lie. Not to mention the autopay deduction changed to only $2.50 unless I connected a bank account (yeah right like I would ever give you that info) so my bill would be higher if I continued service. Keep in mind I was on the phone for almost TWO HOURS for this call alone! Xfinity should be paying me for the 4+ hours I've spent talking to them in the last few months.

They then sent me back over to the mobile department so that I could try to get a refund. I spent almost 15 minutes waiting for them to correct "system errors" because apparently whoever terminated my account was also incompetent and broke everything since even I was getting errors when trying to pull up my billing history. I was then forced to re-add a debit card because of course greedy Xfinity mobile won't even let them into the account without one even though I already verified myself via text (it also forces autopay which you can't get out of.) 30 more minutes later I allegedly had my entire upcoming bill cancelled and my previous payments refunded. They also tried keeping me by offering the line for $20/month with a free upgrade. I said no thanks, especially since any payment specifically for this line would be an increase on my overall bill which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what I wanted back in November 2024!

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It's crazy, especially since these incompetent agents don't understand the legal jeopardy Xfinity/Comcast is in. I could easily file an FTC complaint where they could get fined at thousands of dollars or just sue them for a good amount of money over false advertising/breach of contract. I am still working on trying to get the internet part of things resolved while I deal with returning this useless replacement phone. I've decided to move on to another carrier altogether at this point.

Up until this date the service has been spotty at best. At this new location the modems go into a sort of soft brick where the internet slows down tremendously (less than 30mbps,) frequently drops the connection and half of the wireless devices get kicked off. The only way to resolve this is to factory reset the modem which I have to do almost once a month. This has NOTHING to do with the modem as it is customer owned and the highest end (400+dollars.) We've also tried three completely different models/brands of modems over the years and they all have the same issue. I suspect what's happening is Xfinity is pushing firmware updates over an improperly terminated connection that is causing packet drop so it's sending corrupt firmware and partially bricking the modems, but there's no way to pull the logs since they get deleted upon factory reset and I don't feel like going through the extra trouble of doing things like telnetting into the modem (if that is even possible with these.) I did however test Xfinity's RG-6 (coaxial cable) run during a recent house upgrade and it was indeed flagged as not sending the proper signals. The same results showed for an old WoW (WideOpenWest) line as well.

Xfinity of course says, "we don't touch customer modems." That is another lie that is not only confirmed by the regular logs we pull which clearly show Xfinity pushing firmware updates, but also the manufacturer states that only Xfinity can push updates because they themselves (the manufacturer can't even do that since they don't even have access to Xfinity's network.) The manufacturer even went as far as to say it would be illegal for them to update the firmware themselves over security/privacy concerns. These firmware update pushed by Xfinity bricked one of my modems years ago to the point where even after a factory reset it still had major issues, so I had to replace it. I was able to pull the logs from that one (might even still have them) which confirmed Xfinity pushed a firmware update the day the night before. After the firmware update the modem immediately started throwing errors.

That modem was $150 and Xfinity to this day still refuses to reimburse me. I was on the phone for hours going back and forth with a level one customer service rep who thought they knew better than me (an actual IT NETWORK ENGINEER.) They even refused to escalate it to higher level support who should know exactly what I was explaining to them. I'm sorry miss, but though a person may have a degree/certificate in tech, if they're working level one technical support (which for Xfinity is actually customer service, not technical support) then consider that education worthless since if it wasn't then they wouldn't have that job. I'm reminded of years prior fresh out of college when I spoke with a highly perplexed Xfinity technical support manager and they said "You're way overqualified. These positions are for people whose only options are this, going to jail or being homeless." If that doesn't tell you why support is the way it is...

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Before that the cable tech installed my cable TV box saw that there were huge white lines in the picture, shrugged and left. He also made huge holes all over the wall from numerous failed attempts at trying to run the line. None of this was covered by Xfinity and my TV/internet service was unusable for a year before I randomly emailed the Comcast CIO at the time while I was using a local Subway's internet. He miraculously responded and put the executive support team on it.

The executive support team were actual competent Americans that were able to get things done. They scheduled a master cable tech to come out who diagnosed the issue immediately as squirrels chewing on the cables at the supply box and the signal coming in too high. He recommended me the part to fix it (a line dampener) since he said Xfinity no longer supplied it even though it was something they regularly used in the past. The master cable tech also told me that Xfinity techs only go to training for like two weeks before they get put on the job. As an engineer myself this is unacceptable for the technology they are implementing. It's the main reason why these techs are too incompetent to diagnose and resolve issues properly.

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The part was about $20 on Amazon. I installed it and miraculously my signal issues and the complications from it were resolved. I then called Xfinity to seek reimbursement. They refused at first, but caved after I threatened to cancel service.

Years later I had a friend that was having issues with their Xfinity business internet service. The phones and internet were completely down. I looked at their installation and immediately saw that the signal coming in was too low because the tech for some reason used a four-way splitter that then connected to a two-way splitter when it's literally just ONE line coming in! Every split degrades the signal and the bigger the splitter, the bigger the degradation! This is especially so when they didn't even bother to terminate the unused connections so they were just open! I removed the four-way splitter, directly connected the two-way splitter and everything was fine albeit the signal was a bit too high afterwards, so I suggested they buy a line dampener and have the Xfinity tech come out to install it before getting reimbursed.

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The cherry on top is Xfinity intentionally blocking other providers like Google, AT&T, etc. from expanding their infrastructure so that they can compete in other areas. This means in my area for gigabit service I have only Xfinity. If I go to any other provider the best I can get is 100mbps download with only 20 upload. At this point I'll just deal with slower speeds while I work on convincing another provider to build a fiber line. Goodbye Xfinity. You will NOT be missed.

0.5 out of 5 stars


Update 02-04-2025:

AT&T reached out and we're working on possibly building out a true fiber line vs. the old infrastructure Xfinity is using. It's an expensive process so any donation or purchase helps! Feel free to donate below or visit our shop!

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