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3500 Lacey Rd STE 100, Downers Grove, IL 60515, USA


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CompTIA first showed interest in Nizel joining their team of amazing people in 2013 due to the splash he made early on in the IT industry. Lo & behold Nizel never thought he would come this far so fast, writing & designing the IT certification exams that shape the entire IT industry on a global (hopefully intergalactic) scale as well as setting the tone for what is expected of IT professionals. He dutifully mixes in workshops developing exams into his busy schedule with clients, making sure he can contribute back to the industry that gave him so much. Large strides have been made in making things more inclusive as well as bridging the gap between those that are not fortunate enough to be born into circumstances that give them access to more resources to get into STEM & those who are.

Feb 14, 2022
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IT Foundations+ Object Development - Feb 2022

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Nizel Adams

Nizel Adams
Global Initiative?
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